Psychology and therapy hub (Path)

“I don’t know where I would be without the service. This has meant the world to us and I now know what to do. You have no idea how much this has meant to us, it has changed our lives. Other adoption support we have been offered have been nothing compared to this.”

“There is a commonly held belief that face-to-face contact is necessary for relationships to flourish. While this may be the case for some individuals, Parent Pathway has demonstrated that this is not a universal truth. The degree of intimacy that has developed between adopters and Parent Pathway personnel without any face-to-face meetings is to be commended.”

"It's so good to be able to speak to someone who understands and let us know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Other people try to help but having someone who has walked the same path is such a big support."

"I am forever grateful to my parent partner for just listening, understanding and getting it. She has given me the confidence to feel that I am being a positive advocate for our daughter, as well as understanding the impact it has on birth children."

"My parent partner sessions were invaluable and it really helped me to talk with someone with the dynamic of the relationship struggles between an adopted and birth child. Our discussions were very frank and honest and really helped my wellbeing too."